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Digital Solutions for Small Business
Digital Marketing Glossary of Terms - W
A digital marketing glossary of terms is a list of terms and definitions that are used in digital marketing. The following are some of the top digital marketing glossary terms.

Web 2.0 - This complex term covers many dimensions of the contemporary Web, including quick user access to streaming video, audio, images and other popular content. It can be generally used to describe interactive, community-driven content, namely blogs, file-hosting, UGC, and social-networking sites.

Webinar - A Web-based seminar containing audio and video, often in the form of a slide deck.
Wikipedia -A free, open-source, multilingual encyclopedia consisting of heavily edited user-generated content on topics of nearly every sort. The largest encyclopedia in the world, Wikipedia is administered by the Wikimedia Foundation, a non-profit group. One defining characteristic of Wikipedia is its insistence on not publishing original research, but rather being an authoritative clearinghouse of citations of other material already published on the Web.
Wetpaint - A UGC website that combines aspects of wikis, blogs, forums and social networks, allowing any user to create and share online content.
Digital Marketing Terms
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