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Digital Solutions for Small Business

Digital Marketing Glossary of Terms - P
A digital marketing glossary of terms is a list of terms and definitions that are used in digital marketing. The following are some of the top digital marketing glossary terms.
PageRank - This is a previous method used by a website to rank a website page. It mostly depend on the number and quality of inbound and outbound links in relation with a given page. 
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Paid Listings  - Listings that are sold to advertisers without a fee. Also called “paid placement”. 
Pay-For-Performance -A paid-search system nearly identical to (and essentially synonymous with) pay-per-click.
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Pay-Per-Click - Also known as “PPC,” this type of paid search marketing involves placing advertisements that run above or besides (and occasionally below) the free search-engine listings on Google, Bing, and Yahoo! Typically, to get the highest position among these ads, website owners place a per-click bid.
PDF - “Portable Document Format” is a type of file for viewing documents, created by Adobe. PDFs are especially suitable for print-out viewing, so the format is a good choice for sharing high-value collateral like white papers and guides.
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Peer-to-peer (P2P) -Refers to any type of interaction between two or more people within a specific social network. Most viral media by definition get their popularity via such P2P sharing. The term is also widely associated with (often illicit) file-sharing networks for music and movies, though not exclusive to that realm.
Podcast  -A series of audio or video content which can be downloaded and listened to/viewed offline (or a particular episode in that series, e.g. podcast #6 of The Sporkful). A podcast is essentially an asynchronous Internet version of a “broadcast,” but to a very specific audience of willing subscribers. Podcasts are sometimes created to provide stand-alone copies of existing radio or television programming (such as daily/weekly shows), but they may also consist of entirely unique content intended for devoted Web-based subscribers.
Pop-Up Ad -A form of advertisement which automatically opens (or “pops up” in) a new window in a browser to display an ad. Also seen in the form of “pop-under” ads, a slightly less intrusive version. These interruptive approaches to advertising are generally disliked (and therefore ignored) by Internet users. Many browser-based and stand-alone software programs exist to block these ads.
Position  -Same as “rank” in reference to search-engine listings.
Profile -A profile is a personal page within a social network created by a user for sharing with others on the network. The profile provides basic biographical information and often links to the profiles of the user’s friends/connections.

Digital Marketing Terms

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